change can be a funny thing if you stop to think about it. we all lust for change of some sort, but how often is that desired change acted upon?
for me-not that often...until recently.
i say this because, ever since having Levi, i've become much more decisive and motivated to make those changes i've always wanted. like cloth diapering, for instance.
before i was even pregnant, i'd thought about cloth diapering for environmental and financial reasons, but didn't think it was for someone like me. i know i'm stereotyping here, but i always saw cloth diapering as a hippy-type of thing to do and something i couldn't manage. "yes, it can be gross. no, it's not that bad. yes, it's worth it....kind of."
i was also afraid of the things other people would say and think about me if we chose to cloth diaper.
but this isn't a post about cloth diapering, although i could go on for days :)
Levi is in a constant state of change, especially these last 2 weeks. within that short time frame, he's gone from not being able to crawl to pulling himself to standing and is starting to cruise. pump the brakes dude!
since my life feels like it's in constant motion nowadays, i'm learning to adapt and make quick decisions regarding what really works for us as a family. i used to be pretty stubborn and stick to my guns if i had already made a decision, but life with Levi has (not-so-gently) taught me a lesson about selflessness.
now that Levi is 9.5 months old, i'm determined to throw out my preconceived notions and really look at whats best for us and for him as we approach the whole time in vs. time out deadline (yes, i know the date and no, i won't count how many long, painful days i carried him)
and this change/adaptability concept isn't just reflected in my parenting. oh no, it's spread to decorating, house hunting, and cute baby outfits!
i blame pinterest. always.